Classic Series Skimmers
(Products available at bottom of this page)
The first step in building a pond is ensuring that waste products are efficiently removed from the system. The application of a skimmer and bottom drain is essential in this regard.
Skimmers can remove as much as 85% of debris before it settles to the bottom and is the most effective way of reducing maintenance and increasing the quality of your water. They can provide both mechanical and biological filtration all in one unit. It provides efficient removal of floating debris and oxygen robbing protein film. A leaf trap is included and offers easy removal of larger debris. Everything is removable for easy access and maintenance. The door automatically adjusts to the pond water level for more suction. The floating door prevents most fish from entering the basket.
The addition of a skimmer will greatly reduce the maintenance and increase the enjoyment of your pond.
Aquascape’s family of field proven, time tested skimmers are the #1 selling skimmer in the water garden filter marketplace! Why? Because they work! No gizmos and gadgets designed by engineers behind a desk, but rather functional, easy to install and maintain filters designed by actual pond builders.
- Includes a lid, filter mat*, skimmer rack, debris net and rack, and fittings
- 6” and 8” weir openings
- Grande Skimmer handles up to two 10,000 GPH pumps (20,000 GPH max).
- Large Skimmer handles pumps from 4,000 GPH to 10,000 GPH
- Standard Skimmer is the same size as large skimmer, but with 6” weir opening. Handles pumps from 1,000 GPH to 4,000 GPH
* Grande does not require filter mats