Aquascape ProAir 1 Submerged Pond & Lake Aeration System
Provides necessary Bottom Areation on Larger Ponds & Lakes
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02000 |
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ProAir 1 Submerged Pond & Lake Aeration System
Ideal filtration partner for the Snorkel™ Vault and Centipede™ Module! When ponds get 4' deep and deeper, it is necessary to supply oxygen and circulate the water at lower depths. Bottom aeration is perhaps one of the most under-rated components of a successful large-scale project. Both good oxygenation and circulation are keys to bacterial growth that will help break down debris and maintain a healthy ecosystem.
System features:
- Submerged aeration maintains the pond's natural appearance
- One aeration system will effectively circulate ponds up to one acre!
- Operates on ponds from 4 feet up to 25 feet deep
- Reduces nutrient levels associated with algae growth
- SAFE - no electricity in the water
- Self-cleaning aeration disks require NO maintenance
- Additional lengths of self-weighted tubing are available
- Unit must be post mounted. Brackets included
- Extremely easy installation Each system includes:
- Dual membrane 9" diffuser discs
- 1/3 horsepower diaphragm compressor, 110 volt, 5.6 amps, operating cost: $38.00/mo (approx)
- Painted steel cabinet, heavy duty cooling fan, and easy plug in connection to waterside GFCI electrical service
- 100 feet of self-weighted aeration tubing
For more information on the Pond Aeration, send us an e-mail at tjb@TJB-INC.com and request we will send you a PDF file with the manufacturer's Info/Install Manual.
Aeration In The Summer Heat |
We are just starting to enter into the hottest days of summer. Are you and your pond prepared to deal with the scorching heat? The need for aeration in your pond during these temperatures is far greater than any other part of the year. Although most pond owners are aware of this fact, few know the true reasons behind the need. |
The Need For Aeration First, let’s start with the actual need for aeration in your pond. Every pond is a “time bomb” just waiting to go off. A pond that has just been excavated is usually nutrient free, making it easy to take care of. This stage in a ponds life is called Stage 1, and may only last one year depending on nutrient inputs. Man-made ponds and lakes tend to gain large amounts of nutrients in a short period of time, often after only a couple years of existence. When a pond enters this period of excess nutrients, it is called Stage 2. Once a pond enters this stage, you will begin to experience large amounts of algae and weed growth. Also during this stage the pond will develop a large buildup of organic debris at the bottom of the pond called “muck”. The “muck” in your pond will slowly decompose and release nutrients into the water column. These excess nutrients will cause more weed and algae growth. Along with the nutrient spike, the water body will also experience a rise in toxic gas levels. Also, when organic material decomposes, it uses oxygen in the water, causing dangerously low oxygen levels in the depths of your pond. |
Because ponds without aeration normally become thermally stratified, the toxic gasses created on the bottom buildup in the cool water underneath. A change in temperature, a heavy rain, or sometimes even high winds can turn the water over allowing the toxic, oxygen-deprived water at the bottom to mix into the top layer leaving your fish without oxygen and causing a fish kill. |
Fountains vs. Bottom Bubblers Many pond owners will turn to fountain aeration or surface aerators to experience some form of aesthetics for their dollar. While fountains are aesthetically pleasing, they will only draw surface waters. This leaves the bottom of the pond uncirculated and does nothing to eliminate toxic gases underneath. A better alternative is to consider a bottom bubbler. The bottom bubbler will circulate the entire water column, and eliminating the thermocline. This allows the organisms present to utilize the entire pond, not just the upper layer. |
How Bottom Aeration Works The system consists of a high quality air compressor which is mounted in a cabinet housing unit. The compressor pumps air through a lead free self-weighted air hose and out of the diffuser plate on the pond bottom. The diffuser assembly comes with air stones that inject oxygen into the pond directly and create a column of medium bubbles lift and circulate the entire water body. This keeps the oxygen levels even throughout the pond or lake. |
Something that is important to keep in mind is how to run the compressor. The aerator is as simple to run as plugging in the cord, and to reduce stress on organisms in the pond you should follow this start-up procedure. |
Starting Up Your Aeration System When an aerator is first installed it is important that you don’t begin running it constantly right away. If the aerator rotates the water column too quickly, it can actually cause a fish kill by moving the toxic gases throughout the pond in one fell swoop. The best route to take is to run the aerator for only 30 minutes on its first day, then shutting it off for the remainder of that day. The second day you should run the aeration system for one full hour then turn it off. The third day double to 2 hours, then to 4 hours the next, 8 the next, until you are running your system all day. |
This process will take 7 days to accomplish. Not only should this process be followed the first time an aerator is installed, it should be followed every time the aerator is turned on after an extended shutdown. |
Winter Fish Kills, They Don’t Float With Us! You’ve waited all Winter long for the ice to melt over your water garden so you can run your waterfalls and enjoy your finned friends. Instead, you find your fish floating at the ponds surface, victims of a winter fish kill. What is this phenomenon and how can you prevent it?
Make Some Holes When a layer of ice forms over the surface of you water garden, it essentially eliminates any transfer of air to or from your pond’s water. What this means to you is that, as debris decompose and your fish consume oxygen, byproducts are produced in the form of gasses that are toxic to your pond’s inhabitants. These gases are trapped under the ice and cannot escape; fresh air from outside the pond cannot reach the water either and so begins the process of the winter fish kill. Keeping a hole in the ice will allow the bad air in the pond to be replenished with good air. Some pond guys and gals use pond De-Icers to maintain an open hole, but many more rely on their aeration systems to do the job.
Pass The Bubbly We’ve discussed in our past blogs the many benefits of aeration in your water garden. It circulates the water in your pond, infusing it with oxygen which is beneficial to your bacteria and fish. The constant bubbling produced by an aeration system will also keep a hole open in your water garden in the winter months, ensuring the release of those harmful gasses.
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2/6/2011 – We have an 80 acre lake in Iowa which gets around 18 inches of ice or more in the winter. Our aerator broke and I believe . . .
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