It’s not easy to be green … unless you know of a house with a backyard pond you can frolic in! With so many natural wetlands being plowed over and our frog and toad friends losing their homes, you can’t help but want to provide them with a sanctuary of sorts. Your backyard pond is the perfect place for their fun creatures! While you won’t catch frogs and toads taking a sip from your pond (they absorb water through their skin instead), they certainly do play a vital role in your pond ecosystem. Not only do they keep your insect population at bay … they will also help with rodents, slugs, and even the occasional earwig – yuck!
Boggy areas with native grasses are a good way to attract all kinds of amphibians, including salamanders and newts. Aquatic plants are also very important because they provide much needed food and shelter for the critters. Some native grasses can be the perfect spot for frogs and toads to cool off and relax.
Amazingly enough, while water attracts frogs and toads, a good amount of rocks will keep them. Rocks? Yes, rocks! Rocks provide a permanent shelter for the little ones so a pile of rocks is the perfect spot for a little amphibian home. Leaving your lawn grow a little bit and letting your shrubs get a little longer will also provide a safe haven for these delicate little creatures, but be advised that come mating season, you’ll be enveloped in the sound of L-O-V-E with frogs and toads croaking the night away in search of their mates. So you sleep with your windows closed for a bit … it’s worth it when you see your favorite amphibian perched on a rock or taking a dip in the pond. Gotta love those critters!