Maybe you already have a pond and are looking to get a larger one, or perhaps you subscribe to the notion that bigger is better. Either way, you’re searching for a larger pond for your space. Well, you’ve come to the right place. First of all, it’s important to note that when it comes to larger ponds, you’re probably going to want to hire a professional to build it so that it doesn’t take up your whole summer. After all, you don’t want to end up disliking your pond. Next, you need to know what goes into owning and maintaining a large pond.
While it may seem illogical, larger ponds are actually much easier to maintain than their smaller siblings. The larger the volume of water in a pond, the more of a buffer it will have. Meaning, it takes much more to affect a large pond than a smaller pond.
A great example is pH. Having a fairly stable pH level is important for keeping fish healthy. In small ponds, you can experience very rapid pH swings due to water changes, rain, runoff, etc... In a larger pond, it takes much, much more of an outside influence before the effects become noticeable. This is not to say that you should not consider smaller ponds. It is simply a reminder to always go with the largest pond space allows. You'll be glad you did.