Turfgrasses can tolerate a wide range of soil acidity and
alkalinity. The degree of soil acidity and alkalinity is
expressed as pH. Soil acidity increases as pH decreases. A
pH value of 7.0 is neutral. Values lower than pH 7.0 are
acid and those above 7.0 are alkaline.
Turfgrasses respond differently to varying acidity or pH
ranges. Bentgrasses grow normally on soils with pH
values as low as 4.0, provided that calcium as a nutrient
is not deficient. Bluegrasses will not tolerate such
acidity. They can grow normally on soils with pH values
as high as 8.0.
Lime is rarely needed in eastern Washington except in
special cases. It is occasionally necessary to apply lime to
soils in western Washington. It is necessary to add lime
to acid soils to obtain good quality bluegrass in western
1. Lime is a soil amendment and is most often used to
reduce soil acidity (increase pH). It also supplies
calcium, a plant nutrient. Although calcium is
required by turfgrasses, the requirement is less than
certain other plant nutrients.
2. Lime will increase the rate of organic matter
decpmposition by microorganisms, thus increasing
the rate of conversion of organic nitrogen,
phosphoru~, and sulphur to more readily available
inorganic forms.
3. Lime will decrease solubility of certain toxic
4. Lime improves soil particle aggregation. Calcium has a
tendency to increase aggregation and improve soil
structure over a period of many years.
5. Lime aids release of soil phosphorus.When soil
acidity is reduced, so is solubility of iron and
aluminum. Both iron and aluminum react with
phosphorus to form insoluble compounds. This tie-up
is known as phosphorus fixation. With reduced
solubility of these two elernents, phosphorus becomes
more available.
When laboratory soil tests indicate a need for lime,
follow these procedures:
1. New Lawns-It may be necessary to incorporate into
the soil as much as 200 pounds of agricultural
limestone per 1000 square feet. Mix lime thoroughly
with soil 6 inches deep before planting.
2. Established Lawns-To correct low pH (high acidity)
on established turf, it is not practical to apply the
total required amount in a single application. Do not
apply lime at rates above 50 pounds per 1000 square
feet per application. Grass serves as a filter and causes
lime to form layers. Lime layers can cause several
nutritional problems, including iron chlorosis. Iron
chlorosis appears as a general yellowing of grass leaves
and occurs when excessive calcium raises pH
excessively and renders iron insoluble and unavailable
in the soil. High calcium levels in plant tissue can also
cause iron to precipitate along the leaf veins and not
reach the plant cells.
Dolomitic Limestone. Dolomitic limestone supplies
calcium, raises the pH, and supplies magnesium, another
necessary plant nutrient. Dolomitic limestone is usually
more expensive and reacts slower than agricultural
limestone. Use only when soil tests indicate magnesium
needs in addition to calcium.
When To Apply Lime. When soil tests indicate a need,
the best time to apply lime is during the winter or early
spring. Winter rains help dissolve lime and make calcium available for plant growth or correct soil acidity. The
finer the lime particle size, the quicker it will react with
the soil. Limestone ground to 100 mesh particle size or
finer is most desirable.
Prepared by Dr. Roy L. Goss, Extension Agronomist, Western Washington Research and Extension Center, Puyallup,
Washington State University.