Professional Black Waterfall Foam
This Black Expanding Foam is used to adhere rocks together and to fill the voids under rocks so water does not run under them. By filling the voids under and behind the rocks especially near waterfalls or elevation drops, the water will be forced to run in front of the rocks not disappearing behind them. This use of the foam will greatly enhance the look and sounds of your waterfeature!
Quick cure time in less than one hour, tack free in 6 minutes, trims in 30 minutes.
Moisture resistant skin prevent water penetration
Wide temperature operating range: 25F to 120F, freeze/thaw staple
Can be used as a hole & crack filler, foams a durable, airtight and waterproof bond, fills, seals and insulates gaps up to 6".
Available in 2 convenient sizes.
A 16 oz. Do-It-Yourself can that is good for single one time projects.
24 oz. Professional can of expandable Black Waterfall Foam. Equivalent to 5 Do-it-Yourself economy foam cans because of the ability to control the flow rate. To be used with foam guns (sold separately).
We also sell the foam in cases for those customers needing lots of foam!
A Contractor Professional Pro-Foam Gun Kit is now available to everyone, not just the proffesional installers. This kit allows for exact dispersion of the expanding black foam. Dries faster, lasts longer, and is easier to use than the Do-It-Yourself economy foam. The Professional Kit includes :
(1) Plastic Carrying Case
(3) Cans of 24 oz. Professional Black Foam
(1) Can of 17 oz Professional Foam Gun Cleaner
(1) Professional Foam Gun with long pin point barrel
TJB-INC's Foam Installation Tips:
When placing a flat rock down to use as as waterfall rock, use a bead of black foam between the liner and the bottom of the rock. This will seal any small gaps that water might escape under. The foam when dry, will also "glue" your rock in place.
Remember, the key word about this black foam is the term "expanding". A little will go a long way. If at first (and you will) you apply too much black foam and it starts to come up from between the gaps, do not panic! You can place gravel on top of the wet foam and hide the ever growing blobs of foam. Or you can wait 5 minutes until the foam has "skinned " over and then you can safely push down on it and stuff it back into the gaps from where it came from. BUT...If you touch the foam while it is wet, .... it does not come off your skin or clothes! Learn from what I am telling you. Your skin, you can clean with a pulmus stone in the shower, but your finger nails will bond with the foam and will eventually grow out after several weeks. (Been there, done that, many, many times !)
Do not be turned off by my horror stories. Black foam is a necessary part of Water Feature Construction. Wear gloves, and be careful. The foam will not cause any skin problems, for that it is safe. It just seems to get everywhere you do not want it to be.
If you pre-wet the stones and the liner before you apply the foam, the foam will adheare better than if the surfaces are dry. Not puddles! just moistened will work the best.
If you have a lot of area to foam or want to save time, I suggest purchasing the Professional Foam Gun Kit or a Foam Gun + ProFoam Can . It saves on the amount of foam you use, you can stop and start the flow of foam instantly, you can put the gun down and come back later to use it and it won't be all dried up like the DIY foam cans which are single use only.
NOTE FROM SHOPTJB : For proper flow of foam, the foam can temperature must be above 50 degrees. If you are planning to use the foam when the outside temperatures are below 50 degrees, make sure to warm up the cans/foam by using a car or truck heater or put cans in the sun to warm up the foam. TJB-INC puts the foam cans on the dashboard of the truck in the sun and we use the truck's defroster to keep the cans warm when we are working in colder weather.
FOAM - To view a printable .pdf copy of the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) that has been filed with the EPA, click on the link "DOWNLOAD MSDS "
CLEANER - To view a printable .pdf copy of the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) that has been filed with the EPA, click on the link "DOWNLOAD MSDS "
Watch the video below and see how a stream & waterfall come together and the proper use of Black Waterfall Foam to secure rocks & control water flow.