Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria
(Reformulated AquaClearer Extreme Cold Water Liquid)
Aquascape's Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria contains 7 pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria that go to work quickly cleaning and balancing your ornamental pond, works at temperatures below 50F or 10C. Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria maintains a strong biological balance providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions.
How Does It Work?
The natural bacteria in this product instantly activates as it hits the water. The bacteria multiply every 20-40 minutes in pond water temps above 40 degrees and starts digesting the dead organics in the pond.
During the spring and autumn seasons, there is extreme nutrient loading in the pond as trees and plants in and around the pond are dropping organic material into the pond.
Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria contains a proprietary blend of microbes that are effective at accerelerating the digestion of this organic material at the bottom of the pond in the colder months.
1.5 Billion CFU per ounce
By adding this Cold Water Bacteria periodically to a water feature is one of the most important things you can do to maintain clear, healthy water.
Add this beneficial bacteria in the spring and in the fall to keep the water clear. Works in water temperatures down to 40 degrees.
Great for seeding biological filters in the spring.
Maintains a balanced ecosystem
Safe for fish, plants or any animals that might drink the water.
Contains marigold & vitamin B
Product is clear with a slight yellow tinge
Application Rate = 1 pump treats up to 100 gal./378 liters of water (except the 1.1 gal which 1 pump treats up to 500 gal/1,892 of water)
8.5 oz (250 ml) - treats up to 5000 gal./18,921 liters
16.9 oz. (500 ml) - treats up to 10,000 gal./37,842 liters
33.8 oz. (1 liter) - treats up to 20,000 gal./75,684 liters
1.1 gal. (4 liters) - treats up to 80,000 gal./302,744 liters
What’s in the products? Heterotrophic Bacteria Heterotrophic bacteria are responsible for the reduction and decomposition of organics including pond sludge. Heterotrophic strains of bacteria are easy to source and found in many products currently on the market for various purposes including waste water treatment.Lithotrophic Bacteria The most common and important types of lithotrophic bacteria in a water garden are nitrosomonas and nitrobacter. These are vital in the active removal of ammonia and nitrite caused by the decomposition caused by the heterotrophic strains. There are many theories on the name of the actual bacterial genus responsible but most agree on these two strains. Lithotrophs are harder to source and reproduce at a slower rate, making them relatively more expensive. Older Formulations (Pre-2009) In the past, our formulations were mostly different strains of heterotrophic bacteria. Our goal was to make a product that combines heterotrophic and lithotrophic bacteria in different ratios. More heterotrophs for the removal of sludge, more lithotrophs for supporting the nitrogen cycle and making the pond stable. New Formulations have Higher Concentrations of bacteria If Aquascape bacterial products are added on a regular basis and populations found in our products become dominant, it helps promote competitive exclusion (The competitive exclusion principle, sometimes referred to as Gause's Law of competitive exclusion or just Gause's Law, states that two species that compete for the exact same resources cannot stably coexist.).
What does this mean for you and your pond? A stable, clean, clear biotope for the pond inhabitance and your family! The higher the bacteria count in the pond, the more bacteria will start to utilize other elements that can cause unsightly water conditions including algae. Some scientists have also proven that the use of beneficial bacteria can also eliminate bad bacterias like salmonella found in captive turtle environments.
For more information on Beneficial Bacteria & Enzymes, "CLICK HERE ".
Combining science with simplicity, Aquascape's complete new and improved line of water treatments now make it simpler to maintain a healthly, well balanced water garden. Gone are the products with long names & confusing application instructions. Aquascape's new pump-top liquid bottles and bubble tabs make dosing simple and affordable. Each product now has a gentle scent and color to help consumers remember each product. So enjoy a clean, clear, healthly pond with the complete new line of Aquascape Water Treatment Products
Calculations for Water Volume of Ponds , Streams & Waterfalls
Pond Water Volume
(L ength x W idth x A verage D epth) x 7.48 = Water Volume of Pond in gallons
1 cubic ft. = 7.48 gallons of water
Example : Pond Measures : 11’L x16’W x 2’AD
(11'L x 16'W x 2'AD ) x 7.48 = 2,634 Gallons of water
(The addition of rocks and gravel will lessen the actual water volume beacuse of displacement)
Water Volume in a Stream
(L ength x W idth x D epth) x 7.78 = Water Volume of Stream in Gallons
Example : Stream Measures: 15'L x 3'W x 2"D
First Calculate Depth in feet not inches: 1" = 0.12' so ... 2"D = 0.24'D
(15'L x 3"W x 0.24'D ) x 7.48 = 81 Gallons of Water
Water Volume in Waterfalls = Same as Streams
Use these formulas to help calculate how much product to purchase & use. Always read and follow the individual product's label instructions)