Koi Medic pH Pen
When to test. An established pond with healthy fish should be checked every month. It is only when you notice something out of the ordinary, and possibly during seasonal changes, that an additional test or two might be prudent.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A simple test, at the right time, can prevent a minor problem from becoming a catastrophe.
When starting up a new pond or Bio-converter system, daily tests may be required until the converter comes on line, then weekly for a couple of months until the system has stabilized.
We offer water treatment products that will enable you to maintain a quality environment for your fish & plants.
A waterproof pH pen is an absolute must to regularly monitor and adjust pond pH.
Far more accurate than guessing at color charts.
Pen includes automatic shut-off and temperature compensation, low battery warning and automatic calibration.
Waterproof and micro-processor error and self-diagnostic messages.
One year manufacturer's warranty.
Successful pond keeping revolves around good water keeping. Keeping a pond clear and beautiful isn't hard if you understand how an ecosystem works. First, anyone who claims all you need are plants, a filter, or a chemical to keep a pond clean doesn't understand how pond ecology functions (or they are just trying to sell you something).
To keep water clear, you need a mechanical and a biological filter, plants, fish, and bacteria to work in unison to create a natural working ecosystem. You'll be ensured a crystal clear, low maintenance pond if you use the right ingredients.
All of Aquascape's water treatment products are 100% natural.