Koi Medic Salinity Meter Pen
Trans Instruments has specially designed the KoiMedic tester to measure the delicate salt concentration in the pond. The testers are accurate and easy to use. All you need to do is turn it on and dip into the pond water.
The Koi Medic provides accurate results and is very easy to use, simply turn on and hold in the pond. Within a couple seconds the LCD displays the salt concentration measured in percentage. Measures accurately from .01% to 1%.
Salt concentrations between 0.3% and 0.5%(3 to 5ppt) will upset the osmotic balance of some parasites i.e. the parasites’ cells will dehydrate. Salt concentration of 0.3% are effective at detoxifying nitrite and concentration of 0.25% or higher has been used to control string algae. Nevertheless, salt can cause pond plant damage as the concentration increases. Floating plants (water hyacinth, water lettuce, etc.) are affected at lower concentrations than most bog plants.
Quickly and accurately measure salt concentration in ponds.
Salt deters algae growth, detoxifies nitrite and eliminates fish parasites and bacterial infections.
Extremely accurate and easy to use; simply turn it on and dip it in the pond. Within two seconds, the LCD displays the salt concentration percentages.
Successful pond keeping revolves around good water keeping. Keeping a pond clear and beautiful isn't hard if you understand how an ecosystem works. First, anyone who claims all you need are plants, a filter, or a chemical to keep a pond clean doesn't understand how pond ecology functions (or they are just trying to sell you something). To keep water clear, you need a mechanical and a biological filter, plants, fish, and bacteria to work in unison to create a natural working ecosystem. You'll be ensured a crystal clear, low maintenance pond if you use the right ingredients. All of Aquascape's water treatment products are 100% natural.
Units of measurement
0.00 - 1.00%
Battery Type
4 x 1.5V Button Cell (Alkaline A76 or equivalent)
Battery Life
Approximately 150 hours (Continuous Use)
Automatic Shut-off
Approximately 15 minutes
Temperature Compensation
Automatic 0 - 50 degrees Centigrade
Operating Temperature
0 - 50 degrees Centigrade
Size (L x W x H)
170mm x 32mm x 15mm
Approximately 70 g
Because high levels of salt in your pond water will injure plants and fish, be sure to have some sort of salinity measuring device before adding any salt. Then only add small amounts until the meter reads 0.25%. This level is high enough to kill 99% of the harmful parisites & bacteria in your pond. For more information about proper salt treatments, read Dr. Eric Johnson DVM's book: KOI HEATH & DISEASE available by clicking on the books title (this will link you to it on this site.)
When to test. An established pond with healthy fish should be checked every month. It is only when you notice something out of the ordinary, and possibly during seasonal changes, that an additional test or two might be prudent.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A simple test, at the right time, can prevent a minor problem from becoming a catastrophe.
When starting up a new pond or Bio-converter system, daily tests may be required until the converter comes on line, then weekly for a couple of months until the system has stabilized.
We offer water treatment products that will enable you to maintain a quality environment for your fish & plants.