Skimmer Filter Mats, Nets, Faux Rock Lids & Baskets
(Products available at bottom of this page)
TJB-INC stocks and sells all of the replacement filter mats & debris baskets for both the Aquascape Classic Series Skimmers & Aquascape Signature Series Skimmers.
Skimmer Filter Mats should be cleaned regularly through out the season by removing the filter mat from the skimmer and rinsed clean with a garden hose. These filter mats should last from 2-3 years before needing replacement.
Skimmer Debris Nets are only used on the Aquascape Classic Skimmers and the Signature Series MicroSkimmer. All of the other Aquascape Signature Series Skimmers use a rigid debris basket known as a Skimmer Basket. The Debris Net or Skimmer Basket should be checked regularly, cleaned & emptied as needed through out the season. More so during times of seedling or leaf drop.