EPDM Boxed & Custom Cut Stream Liner
Our EPDM 45 Mil Fish Safe Liner is sold in several different convient sizes that are boxed and ready for shippment to you. It comes in 10" widths which is perfect for most stream installations. Just pick the size that best fits your project

We offer a video presentation by Firestone describing the uses of EPDM Rubber Liner & how to install and seam the material. After you are finished viewing the video, click on the BACK arrow (located in the upper left corner of your screen) to return to this screen. "DOWNLOAD LINER VIDEO"
Liner Dimension Calculations for any type of water feature:
Length + 2x Depth + 2' Safety Overlap = Liner Length
Width + 2x Depth + 2' Safety Overlap = Liner Width

Water Garden Pond Liner Size
To calculate your pond liner size for a water garden pond:

Your Water Garden Pond is going to be 17' long by 12' feet wide, with a maximum depth of 2'.
Add "Double your Depth" to each dimension to accommodate the vertical walls in the pond. (2 x 2 = 4) So the dimensions adjusted for depth are now 21' long and 16' wide. (17 + 4 = 21 and 12 + 4 = 16)
Now add a "Safety Overlap" of 2' to each of those dimensions. (21 + 2 = 23, and 16 + 2 = 18). Your 17' long by 12' wide pond with a 2' depth and 1' of Safety Overlap on each side would need a 23' x 18' liner.
Liner is sold in 5' increments - so you would purchase a 25' x 20' liner for this pond.
Another example:
11'l x 8'w x 2'd Water Garden Pond
(2' depth x 2 = 4)
Add double the depth to each dimension and add 2' of Safety Overlap to each dimension.
11 + 4 = 15. For overlap add; 15 + 2 = 17 total length.
8 + 4 = 12. For overlap add; 12 + 2 = 14 total width.
Purchase a 20' x 15' Liner for an 11' x 8' pond @ 2' deep.