6/9/2009 – I am looking for the 18 pack. What does it com with. What is the price shipped to Quebec Canada. I would need the 18 kit pack .. Thank you in advanced...
Response From TJB-INC: The 18 pack is lights only. It is not a kit. No transformer or wire. You can order an 14 kit and add in 4 additional lights but you will need a larger transformer to power the 18 lights. The transformer in the 14 kit is only a 100 watt and you will need a 150 watt or larger. You can order the lights separate, then the wire, and then the transformer. Add all of these items to the shopping cart. There will be an orange button that says "CALCULATE SHIPPING". Click this, and follow the instructions. You will be able to calculate the exact shipping charges to your location. You can even change the currency from USD to Canadian Dollar right there in the blue side of the shopping cart.
... TED