2/4/2014 – What is the maximum number of lights you can put on one transformer? How many lights could a 300w transformer handle.
Response From TJB-INC: As far as wall eyes go, you can put 600 of them on a 300 watt transformer. You would have to allow for line voltage drop based upon the size and length of the cable used and the type of connections used.
Transformers are rated by output wattage. A 300 watt transformer can power up to 300 watts of lights. The wall eyes only use 0.43 watts each. Divide 300 by 0.43 and that will tell you the maximum amount of these lights you can power with a 300 watt transformer.
4/28/2013 – I installed 15 of these lights in 5 planters and a water feature (not wet) I built last summer. They are set to turn on at dusk and off at 11PM. During the year two of the lights have had 1/2 of the 6 LEDs go out. Since these are now installed under glued down caps how can I repair/replace them and are they under warrantee? Order #111518
Response From TJB-INC: Again we have thousands of these installed across the country and in Canada. Normally when half the LED's are either burned out or not lit , it is due to the voltage is too high or too low.. They are designed to work at 12 V ac or dc.. ..
As for the glued down cap, it can be removed with a sharp flat tool and later re glued.
4/10/2013 – is there installation manual?
I noticed that both cords are black, is there positive and negative end? Or it does not matter?
Response From TJB-INC: No polarity because you are using AC power, not DC. Just connect the ends of the leads to 12 volt AC transformer and enjoy the light.
3/22/2013 – I want to install 5 wall eye lights on a wall which will be capped by granite for an outdoor kitchen.Can I use my malibu transformer rated at 120watts that already has 3 60w spot lights on them.Should i run a seperate wire or cut into existing wire
Response From TJB-INC: You need a new transformer. You have (3) 60 watt fixtures (3 x 60 watts = 180 watts) on a 120 watt transformer. The wall eyes only add 0.43 watts per so 5 x 0.43 = less than 3 watts of draw.
10/11/2012 – I need 6 of this lights. Which of your transformers would be the best to work with it?
Response From TJB-INC: 6 lights that product .43 watts per will require a 6 watt transformer or greater.
9/7/2012 – I am going to buy 4 walleye lights for a wall and need to know what size transformer and other material i need for installation. At a later time i also plan to purchase additional walleye lights for a sidewalk approximately 15 feet from the wall. Will I be able to use the same transformer?
Response From TJB-INC: Each walleye only uses 0.43 watts of power. 4 walleyes would require a 2 watt transformer. The smallest we sell is a 6 watt and we go all the way up to 600 watts.
8/19/2012 – I see that each light has 15' of wire. Can the length be extended without affecting the light brightness? my wall is 40' in length and would have to add wire to make it to the junction box. can 16 gauge wire be used for extending the length if it is okay to do?
Response From TJB-INC: Yes of course. Since the draw of each light is so low @ .43 watts per, you can add on lots of additional wire with no problems. Normally, you would have a 12 VAC power line coming from a 12VAC transformer that would run behind your wall. Then you would attach the lights to this power line. The 15' lead on each light is twice as long as industry standards to give the end user more options when wiring up the lights. Let me know if you have any further questions. ... TED
6/26/2012 – Hi, I purchased 12 of the Wall Eye LED fixtures(order #111999). I'm an electrical contractor and I sold these to a customer. The number 9 fixture in a row of 12 is very dim and my customer let me know about it. So I went out to the job and measured the voltage at the fixture(after my connections/junctions) and my meter showed 12.3vac which pleased me. My problem is I need a replacement LED assembly and calling by phone only gets me an "I'll have someone return your call in the next 24 business hours". I've just spent $750.00 with you guys and all I need is a replacement LED assembly. I'm not always near a phone so waiting for a call is out of the question. Please send me some replacement LED's. My customer is very pleased with the other 11 fixtures on the retaining wall. Thanks.
Response From TJB-INC: We are waiting for our restock shipment to arrive. When it does, I will send you a LED replacement.
6/7/2012 – can you tell me price of replacement bulbs
i install these lights a month ago and 3 of them half of the led's on each unit are out
Response From TJB-INC: Check the AC current at the connections. If you have less than 11.5 volts AC at the connections then the entire LED panel will not light up. Let me know what you find out after you test the voltage. ... TED 203-287-0636 tjb@TJB-INC.com
3/12/2012 – I purchased 4 WallEye, 12 V LED Low-Voltage Landscape lights for my wall April,2009. A landscaper installed the wall & the caps with the lights. The wall came out beautiful! One unit has only a few lights working after all this time. The lights are only on part of the night(until 11PM). Can the bulbs be taken out & replaced? How do I do this? Do you carry replacement bulbs?
Thanks - Steve Peterson
Response From TJB-INC: You can replace just the LED unit if necessary an we have them in stock. How many do you need? ... TED
1/5/2012 – Do these install in series or does each light connect to the transformer?
Response From TJB-INC: The lights are connected in Parallel into the power feed wire from the transformer.
12/13/2011 – Can I install these lights pointing up?
Upside down?
I.e., directly exposed to rain on the light/glass side?
Response From TJB-INC: Yes, you can install them in any direction. Water will not hurt the sealed LED unit.
11/26/2011 – I have four of these lights to install. How do I avoid getting the wires crossed on theses low voltage lights?
Response From TJB-INC: Because the lights run on 12 volts of AC power, there is no problem with crossing wires. Polarity is not an issue. Just attach one lead of the Walleye to one side of the power source cable and the other lead from the Walleye to the other side of the power source cable. Just as you would any other low voltage lighting.
11/26/2011 – I currently have a polarity issue with the four lights I have installed. Is there any indicators on the wires that help distinguish positive from negative wires?
Response From TJB-INC: Walleye lights are made to operate using 12VAC. With AC, there is no polarity. DC or car batteries have polarity but Low voltage transformers just step down house current from 120VAC to 12VAC. This is what the Walleyes need for a power source, not VDC.
10/15/2011 – I bought 5 wall eye 12volt low-voltage Landscape Light for wall & stair illumination with the silver gray housing, is there a lens cover for these fixtures? the fixtures are being installed today, if there are lens covers and I purchase them can they be installed after the wall cap is put on? I am hoping if this is the case, that they will just snap on.
Response From TJB-INC: Hi Pat, No lens covers. Just connect the wires to the power supply and place the light under the coping. The weight of the coping stone will hold the light in place. If the wire is causing the coping to not lay flat, just cut a small groove to allow the wire to sit flush.
8/31/2011 – Can the LED lights be dimmed using a dimmer? Do you recommend any dimmer?
Response From TJB-INC: I do not know and have never tried. If you find something that works, please let me know so I can share it with others.
8/22/2011 – Can the LED be replaced if burnt out? Do you sell replacement LED bulbs?
Response From TJB-INC: Yes, the LED unit can be replaced & we do carry replacements. We just have never had to sell one yet.
7/2/2011 – what about installing into an existing wall with capstone, does the capstone have to be removed?
Response From TJB-INC: Yes, unless you can use a drill to open a hole for the wire to run through.
9/21/2010 – Interested in the wall eye led lights, is 16 gauge wire heavy enough with runs less than 100' also plan on using the malibu 45 watt with remote photo. Three different systems, with 10 lights in the largest.
Response From TJB-INC: Yes, since the LED lights only require 1/2 watt per light. 16 gauge cable is ok to use.
6/30/2010 – I have the under capstone Frog Lights and one of them blew out. Can I just order the light so I do not have to pry up my capstone and re-mortar the light in place?
Response From TJB-INC: The LED assembley is not sold separately but can be detached from the metal housing either by unscrewing or popping off the double sided tape.
5/18/2010 – I recently purchased from your company Wall Eye lights for under my capstone. I have been looking at different lights for some time and finally purchased them based on your great recommendation.
I think this is the product I am looking
for but have some concerns.
In the product description it "recommends" an AC volt transformer. In fact it REQUIRES an AC volt transformer for the products intended use.
Also, in the Q&A section, the 5/9/09 Q someone asks about the installation data. The answer was a blow off saying something about the general installation of a 12 volt to a transformer. There are plenty of us out there that are capable of following instruction to install the product but still need instruction.
If you can't reply based on liability issues please refer the Q to someplace else.
I am trying to connect three 12 volt Wall Eye Lights to a 120volt outlet attached to an outlet that is controlled by a light switch. The longest light is 30' from the outlet where the transformer will be plugged. I would like info about the minimal transformer that I would need. I do not need timers or sensors or anything else since the plug is attached to a switch.
I would also like some information on how to install the light to the transformer before I purchase one from you.
Thank you.
Response From TJB-INC: Hi Tamara,
All you need is a transformer capable of producing enough output wattage to power the amount of load you are trying to light up. Each WallEye fixture uses 0.43 watts so we will round this up to 0.5 watts each. If you install 10 of these lights, you will have a load of 5.0 watts. (10 lights x 0.5 watts = 5.0 watts) You will need to pick a transformer that has an output of at least 5.5 watts. (always add 10% for power loss through the wire)
If you have a 120 volt outlet that is controlled by a switch, you do not need any timers or photocells unless they come with the sized transformer you require. You just plug the transformer into the switched outlet and then attach the 2 wires at one end of your power supply wire that runs out to your lights. To connect your lights to the power supply wire, just connect one wire from the light to one side of the power feed wire and connect the other wire from the light to the other side of the power feed wire. In order for the connections to work, the copper parts of the wires must be connected together for the power to flow through the circuit. This splice can be made with several different types of connectors. Some styles require cutting the wires and exposing the copper wires, and others just clip over the wires and you would squeeze down on a metal bar in the connector with a pair of pliers which will make an electricial connection between the two wires. ShoTJB sells both kinds of connectors. You can also cut the wires and use wire nuts.
Let me know if you need further information.
... TED 203-287-0636
5/9/2009 – Can you send me a copy of your installation data? Would like to know all the how to's before purchasing, hints, the do not's, options, etc.
Response From TJB-INC: There is no intallation data. These lights connect like any other low voltage lighting
3/9/2009 – Are there any photometrics avaliable for the Wall Eye LED lights that you could send me?
Response From TJB-INC: We currently do not have this information. Since the product is new, all the testing data has not been gathered yet. They are inexpensive so if the photometric info is important to your project, purchase 1 light and see if it produces the beam spread you are looking for. The light color is between 3000 & 3500 Kilvens depending upon input voltage if that will help.