Replacement Filter Mats & Accessories
(Products available at bottom of this page)
TJB-INC carries the complete line of replacement filter mats for all of the Aquascape Classic Series & Signature Series BIOFALLS Filters. These mats are where the benifical bacteria cononize and provide the De-Nitrification of your pond water which keep it healthy and clear.
The BioFalls Filter Mats should be cleaned once a year by removing them from the BioFalls Filter and rinsing the accumilated debris out of the mats with a strong stream of water. You can use a garden hose with a power nozzel or a pressure washer. Hold the mat upright and spray one side from the top to the bottom. Flip the mat over and do the same for the other side. Keep switching sides until the mats look clean.
The BioFalls Filter Mats may have to be replaced every 2-3 years. At TJB-INC, we change them every year for our Spring Pond Clean-out customers. It saves them money by not having to pay for the time for us to clean them. We also feel confident that the new pad will preform better because there is no debris trapped inside of the mat.
The Media Nets are just black nylon laundry bags with a pull string that take several years to breakdown before they need replacing. The Media Nets provide an enclosure for your additional filter media. This additional filter media can double or triple the filter capasity of your BioFalls Filter by creating an additional area where Benificial Bacteria can grow on. Whether it is Lava or Flower Rock, BioBalls, BioBlocks, Spring Flow Media, or some other product, these Media Nets keep them together in one place and the black color help camoflage them in your BioFalls Filter.