The first step to understanding how to maintain your pond or lake is knowing your pond's life cycle. The Life Cycle can be broken down into two basic stages.
During Stage 1, organic matter from plants, birds, animals and debris begins to accumulate in your pond. The nutrient load is low, resulting in minimal weed and algae growth. The amount of debris your pond receives and the type of soil your pond was constructed from will determine how long your pond will stay in this stage. Generally, your pond will remain in Stage 1 for 3-5 years. Enjoy it while you can, because changes are a comming!
As your pond begins Stage 2, excessive algae blooms and pond weeds become noticeable. Emergent plants, such as grasses and cattails, begin growing around your pond's edge. As Stage 2 continues, the total nutrient load is increasing resulting in more frequent and more severe weed and algae growth.
Airmax Aeration System can be installed several thousand feet from the edge of a pond or lake, or at the edge of your body of water. Your Airmax power unit or cabinet may be placed at the nearest or most convenient power source such as your home, barn or other out building. All that is needed with this type of installation is a shallow trench 6-12 inches deep to place the Airmax Direct Burial Airline in. The Direct Burial Airline will then transfer the air to the pond or lake’s edge where it can be connected to Airmax EasySet Self-Weighted Airline and continue on to the diffuser located in the pond or lake. To learn more, Click Here.
Alternative aeration systems such as windmills and solar seem like a natural fit for installations where power is not easily accessible, although it is important to understand that you may not receive the same benefits from these types of aeration devices. Windmills only work when there is steady wind (5 mph or more) and solar systems have to run on an on/off cycle. Under optimal light conditions a solar aeration system can run continuously for 15-20 hours before shutting down to allow the batteries to charge. Another disadvantage of alternative aeration devices is their cost. This is especially true of the solar models. With the purchase price being so high the energy consumption of an Airmax Aeration System being so low it is nearly impossible to recuperate any cost savings due to electrical consumption. A typical Airmax Aeration System designed to aerate up to one surface acre will cost less than $18 per month, running 24 hours per day.
To receive the benefits of aeration, your system should run 24 hours per day! The goal of aeration is circulation and the introduction of oxygen to the bottom of your pond or lake. A properly sized aeration system will use the bubbles created by the diffuser to force the cooler water from the bottom of your pond to the surface. The water at the surface is warmer and less dense or lighter. The cooler or heavier water will be pushed up by the diffuser then forced outward where it will naturally sink due to its heavier density. Aeration devices that are under powered, have poorly designed delivery devices (diffusers) or that do not operate continuously generally will not provide the true benefits of aeration. Do your research and spend your money wisely!
Air-Max Aeration Benefits:
- Clean & Clear Water Column
- Elimination of Thermal Stratification
- Reduced Sediment
- Stronger and More Productive
Fish Population
- Elimination of Fish Kills and