Use a Stimpmeter in order to comparatively gauge the speed of your putting green with respect to the speed of other greens under the same conditions. This device is easy to use, and it helps you achieve accurate, objective, and statistically valid measurements of the speed of a putting surface.
A Stimpmeter is an extruded aluminum bar, 36 inches in length, with a V-shaped groove extending along its length. This USGA’s device was itself modeled after the original design by Edward Stimpson circa 1936.
The speed of a green measured with a Stimpmeter is dependent upon many factors. These factors include slope, grass type, grain direction, irrigation, weather and time of day. This is why green speeds that are numerically equal, but are measured at different courses can be qualitatively different. Thus, it has been argued that green speeds amongst different courses should not to be used for comparative purposes. Consequently, all green speed measuring devices are only precise when used to compare greens/surfaces under the same conditions, that is, at the same course.
According to a survey/study by Dr. Thomas Nikolai (a turf grass specialist at Michigan State University), Stimpmeter readings varying more than 6 inches amongst adjacent greens are not detectable by most players. Stimpmeter readings on typical North American golf courses generally range from 7 to 12 feet.
Use the golf green Stimpmeter indoors on artificial greens and carpets so that you can be better prepared to take your polished putting stroke out on the course, able to relate the speed of your practice surface with the speed of the greens on your home course.
- Instructions are included.
- Makes a great practice tool.
- An absolute must for every greens keeper.
Make a great Christmas gift for the golfer on your list!
The Stimpmeter ® mark is a registered trademark of the United States Golf Association (USGA ®).
Golf Green Stimpmeter
The Stimpmeter is made from 1/4" x 2" x 36" anodized aluminum bar, with a V-angle of 145 degrees, and a precision milled ball release notch 30" from one end. The end resting on the green is milled on the underside to reduce bounce when the ball contacts the green.
When checking the speed of a green, select a level area of about a ten foot circle.
Place a golf ball (small, dimpled), in the notch and raise one end slowly ( 20 degrees ) until the ball rolls down the V incline and out onto the green.
Do this with three balls from the same spot and record the distance from the coin or tee to where the ball stops.
Repeat with three balls from the opposite direction. The average of the six measurements is the speed of the green.
For example, if the six measurements were 10', 9.5', 9.8', 11', 11.3', 10.8', then the speed of the green is (10 + 9.5 + 9.8 + 11 + 11.3 + 10.8)/6 = 10.4'.
General Information on Greens Speeds
For Regular Play: For Tournament Play:
8-9 Feet Fast 10-11 Feet Fast
7-8 Feet Semi-Fast 9-10 Feet Semi-Fast
6-7 Feet Medium 8-9 Feet Medium
5-6 Feet Semi-Slow 7-8 Feet Semi-Slow
4-5 Feet Slow 6-7 Feet Slow